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Even before your little bundle is born what you’re going to do about catching their pees and poos has to be decided.  Many natural families hope to do this in the most eco friendly way possible but, honestly, there’s no easy answer when it comes to diapering your baby naturally.

So, we thought we’d take a look at what’s available and the the pros and cons of each through our Diapering Your Natural Baby series to hopefully help you diaper your baby as naturally as possible for your family.

Diapering Your Natural Baby Series Part 1 – Cloth Diapers

When many people think of diapering naturally, cloth diapers come to mind.  They can be a great option in many situations and do certainly keep diapers out of landfills; a common concern with conventional diapers.

There are quite a few different styles of cloth diapers, even ones that are exactly like disposable diapers (easy on, easy off, use once) you just reuse them.  No folding or pins or anything like that.  Of course, you can still do things that way but, the world of cloth diapers has come a long way since their meager beginnings.

If you plan (or end up ) having more than one child cloth diapers generally end up making diapering your second nearly free.  This is a fantastic advantage of using cloth vs many other diapering methods for sure!

Many do feel there are concerns with the extra loads of laundry cloth diapers create and the extra water and energy usage that results from that.  Also, some folks don’t have a washer and/or dryer at home which can make cloth diapering more difficult.

Overall, cloth diapers can make a very nice option for diapering your natural baby, but, like anything they’re not perfect by any means!  To learn more about other diapering options please read the rest of our Diapering Your Natural Baby Series where we’ll explore Elimination Communication, Hybrid Diapers, and yep, even Disposables!