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Here at we’re into learning and sharing about all kinds of natural living ideas, green building included.  One of the unique methods for building an energy efficient, earth friendly home that has really piqued our interest are Earthships.

Earthships are natural homes situated mostly beneath the ground that are generally built with recycled tires filled with dirt for the main structure of the dwelling.  This provides insulation through the thermal mass of the ground as well as the rammed earth walls which helps keep the building warm in the winter and cool in the summer for $0 and all with re used materials!

The house is also designed to be off the grid with active solar, rain water collection systems, and other types of green power and water sources depending on the location of the earthship.  The house is passive solar too ie. all the windows in the Earthship face the point at which the most sun will enter the building year round.  This helps maximize both the heat and the energy the home can pull, use, and store from the sun.

Originally designed in the 70s by architect Mike Renyolds, Earthships were created to be self sufficient dwellings where one could not only live but grow your food, create your own energy, and manage your own waste right at your own home.  Earthships were also designed so that they can be built by those without prior construction experience or knowledge.  And, they’re made to be built with materials (dirt, tires, etc) that are affordable and easy to find all over the world which helps make Earthships not only earth friendly but can assist their owners in staying out of debt to own a natural home at the same time.

Earthships can be built anywhere too – and you’ll find them everywhere..speaking of which, it might just be easier to show you what an Earthship is at this point as opposed to keep attempting to describe them to you cause they really are an original style of alternative architecture!


earthship rammed earth tire interior wall close up

A close up of the interior side of the rammed earth tire walls of an Earthship


earthship interior recycled glass bottle and cal walls prior to plastering

The interior walls of an Earthship made of recycled cans and bottles prior to plastering


plastered earthship wall with recycled glass bottles and cans

A recycled glass and aluminum can wall in an Earthship when finished.


earthship exterior with stone sides

An Earthship with stone exterior as opposed to plaster


Adobe plastered earthship with towers in Taos

One of the Earthships in The Greater World Community outside Taos, NM - the birthplace of Earthships!


earthship mansion with white exterior

A fantastic "Earthship Mansion"


The main windows of an Earthship create a greenhouse

Taking advantage of all that sun with a greenhouse in the Earthship.


If you’ve decided that an Earthship is the right type of alternative building for your green home you’re not alone – this style of construction is growing rapidly and many across the globe are finding that an Earthship is a unique, earth friendly home that helps them become more self sufficient and live the natural lifestyle they’ve dreamed of!