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green halloween treats pumpkin basketA few posts back we talked about greening up your halloween costume and today,  we’re talkin’ Halloween treats!

If you’re giving out treats at your house this year you might want to think about alternatives to the customary chocolate bars and hard candies.  Many of the well known brands of candy aren’t  always the best for those of us who eat it or the rest of the planet.

But, there are other ways to bestow a treat on all the dear Halloween tricksters who come to visit.  If you’re looking for something different to give your visitors this Halloween, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Natural Candy

If you’d like to still give candy but want to avoid the colors, preservatives, ethical issues etc often found with the big brand treats, try natural and organic candy.  Companies like Yummy Earth and Newman’s Own have made it their goal to offer candy that’s tasty but doesn’t contain all the extras you don’t want.

Art and School Supplies

Some cool pencils and erasers, a pack of crayons,stickers,  a small note pad with a pen; All of these options can make a great Halloween treats for trick or treaters of any age.  Plus, you get to encourage their creativity instead of your visitor’s sweet tooth. 

Used Book Basket

I recently read about a woman who collected used children’s books and then, each Halloween, would put them all into a big basket and let each trick or treater choose his or her own book.  She said at first she wasn’t sure how it would all go over but the neighborhood children look forward to her Halloween used book basket now each year with great excitement and love carefully selecting the book of their choice for their “treat”.

This is my favorite idea personally – because it’s green and affordable!  After all, used books are just a dollar at Goodwill – often you can get them for $.50!  Even boxes of used children’s books at yard sales and library book sales are usually quite cheap.  Stash them away through the year or even go stock up now and give the gift or reading to your Halloween friends this year too.

Handmade Trinkets And Gifts

For any occasion, including Halloween, handmade gifts can be a fun and often quite green option.  Homemade Halloween bracelets or pins, a special key chain, or other unique hand made gift could make any little ghoul or goblin’s evening and these treats don’t have to be candy oriented either.

I know if you think about it you can come up with the right way for you to give out your Halloween treats this year.  Sometimes it’s just gotta be the standard Twix or Blow Pop but, if you can swing it, Greening up your Halloween treats can be fun for you, your trick or treaters, and the earth!

What are you giving out this year?  Let us know below and share your ideas for Green Halloween Treats!