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Looking for a way to make your gifts greener?  Here are some tips for wrapping your presents in reusable and/or recycled items so you make gift giving more eco friendly during the Holidays or any time of year!  Your loved ones will enjoy the originality of the packages and, everyone will appreciate the earth friendliness of green gift wrappings!

Recycled Cards As Gift Tags

This one is wicked simple!  All you’ve got to do is save the cards you get, cut the fronts off of them, find a nice spot to write the TO: and FROM: info, then tape it onto the package you’re giving and wallah – the card gets a new life as a gift tag!

Reusable Fabric Gift Bags

A reusable fabric gift bag can be an excellent way to not only create green gift wrap but, they become a little gift in and of themselves.  The fabric bag you make can then be reused by your loved one to give a gift to someone else, and then they can reuse it, and so on.

You can buy fabric gift bags from several different online shops, or, you can easily  make your own. Either way reusable fabric gift bags are a really neat way to wrap and give an eco friendly gift.

recycled kid drawing for great green gift wrapRecycle The Children’s Drawings Into Extra Special Green Gift Wrap!

A LOT of kids we know love to draw and a lot of their parents don’t ever want to throw any of those precious drawings away; ourselves included.  Yet, this artwork can begin to take up tons of space very quickly.  Recycling your child’s drawings into green gift wrap though is a win win.

Not only does your child’s art work find new life as eco friendly wrapping paper but, those receiving the gifts will think the wrapping paper is a gift all its own; especially when given to family members.  At the same time, you get to move a few of those special pieces on to new owners and out of your house!

Reuse Brown Paper Bags

While many of us working toward living a more natural lifestyle try to remember our reusable bags when we shop, invariably, most of us forget them at one time or another.  Don’t fret, just reuse the brown paper bags as gift wrap!

recycled brown paper bag packages for green gift wrapIf you’re child is up for it, and you have no artwork to use as mentioned above, you can even have them draw on the paper for added effect.  Better yet, use some other recycled decorations to add pizazz to your brown paper wrapping.  There’s something simple about a package wrapped in brown paper tied simply with string or yarn too; classic style!

Save Gift Wrapping From Other Gifts To Reuse

Whenever possible try to save the wrapping paper, ribbon and gift bags from presents given to you for reuse as green gift wrap for your presents.  Saving the actual wrapping paper may be difficult sometimes; although many are quite skilled at removing the tape just so!  But saving ribbons and paper gift bags is quite easy if you just plan ahead and have a bit of storage space.

You can also find gift wrap made from recycled paper, make homemade paper for your packages, use the funnies, and, you can make green gift wrapping any number of other ways too.

Not only will using greener gift wrapping help you be more eco-friendly though – it’ll help you save money too!  None of these options require new materials; which means no expense either!  Even the fabric gift bags can be made of old flannel shirts or sheets for example so you aren’t spending a dime yet still using earth friendly gift wrap on all your presents!

In addition, you’ll also create conversation and awareness surrounding the waste that can be created from using new wrapping materials as well as about how easy (and cost effective) it is to use green gift wrap!